Steffanie Bodamer

I’ve been a lover of all things horses since birth lol! As a kid I had a variety of plastic horses and quite the herd of My Little Ponies. I received my first Breyer at 7 or 8 and of course needed more! I collected from that point through high school but then took a break while in college. One day my friend Shelly asked if I wanted to go to a live show in Oak Creek Wisconsin and the rest as they say was history! I’ve been. An avid live shower ever since. Took me quite a few years to work up the courage to tackle judging but once I did I found I really enjoy it! As a collector of primarily Original Finish Breyer one of my favorite things to judge is Collectability. Maybe about 5 years ago I went down the rabbit hole that is China horses and also really enjoy collecting them as well! I have met some of my closest friends through the hobby and it really has helped me keep my sanity when life throws me challenges.